Saturday, September 11, 2010

Comes into my mind about internet.

     Internet helps us a lot to our different works to make it easier,  just type anything you want to know and it gives you the answer.Internet also help us to communicate easily our love ones who are in abroad. But internet also make us lazy because we don't even read our lessons.
     If internet has a advantages, internet alo has a disadvantages.

What if you can make a contribution to internet what would it be and why ?

If I can make a contribution to internet, it musst be a educational so that I can also help many people to their different works.

How has the internet affected or change your life ?

It affects my life because it helps me a lot on my study, to search different things or person.

Monday, September 6, 2010

What do you think is the advantages and disadvantages of the internet ?

The advantage of internet is it makes our life more easier to search a things, person and others through internet for our assignments or projects. The disadvantage of internet is makes us lazy because we don't even read our assignments, projects and lessons.